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I invest in dividend growth stocks as a way to earn passive income that will support my early retirement goal. As a way to track my progress I update the dividend income that I earn on a monthly basis. The goal is financial freedom, which to me, means having my dividends cover my expenses. This is a long term goal, so I have a lot of years to go. I find it is encouraging to see my dividend income steadily grow over time as it reminds me that I’m on the right track and to stick with it. 


  1. You have a nice sized portfolio. It looks like you started collecting dividends in September of 2015. Did you recently buy all of the stocks in your portfolio or just started tracking monthly dividends in 2015?

    1. Hi Investment Hunting, Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes I recently just start purchasing stocks in middle of 2015. My parents gave my brother and I capital of $20,000 in year 2007 and $380,000 in year 2008 which make it a total of $400,000. My brother and I turned the $400,000 portfolio into $700,000 portfolio by the year of 2015 June. That's a compound annual growth rate of 7.25% from year 2007 to 2015. After being inspired many dividend growth blog and also wanting to go independent, I decided to split the portfolio and manage my own dividend growth portfolio. In addition, I also add additional capital that I have saved up and monthly fresh capital of $2000. This is how i achieved such a high portfolio value. My portfolio performance is not doing that well at this market moment, however I ignore the market noise and I am using this to my advantage by buying companies with great dividend yield and valuation. For more information about my history please read up my "About Me" page. Thanks

  2. I really like your dividend income page.. it is very detailed and organize. I hope your dividends will keep increasing annually until you reach your financial freedom. Keep it up!

    1. Hey Jackson Pham, thanks for visiting my blog. I am still in progress to my financial freedom. It will be a long journey but it will pay off in the end.

  3. Very nice layout of your Portfolio and Dividend Income sections. (I wish I could have that for my own portfolio.) Best wishes for your continued success.

    1. Thanks Tall Yogagal for visiting my blog. I hope you can get some inspiration from my blog.

  4. Hi Bun, I am a beginner in financial market, Thanks for sharing this information ( best books and websites.
    Wish you the Best.

    1. Hi Filbert, Thanks for visiting my blog. I really appreciate your time reading my content. I would like to create for articles and vlog in the future. But in the mean time, I am currently busy with my work and school. I will update you if I do have new article and vlog contents in the future.

  5. Omg! Thas an impressive portfolio. With the income that you already have with dividends and your age im pretty sure in 5 years you could retire from work.

    Greetings from Madrid.

    1. My goal is to retire at age 50. Still a long way to go! P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog and taking your time to look at it.

  6. With this progression, I'm sure you will succeed.
