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Monday, December 27, 2021

New Year 2022 Resolution (My Personal Plan & Goal for the Year)

I can't believe it has been one year that has passed by. Before I start writing this article, I want to say Merry Christmas and Happy New to all the readers who follow my blog. I didn't accomplish many goals for 2021 since there are 
many things I said I wanted to do for 2021, but I wasn't able to do them. I can still not increase my primary income and still depend on the wage from my father. However, I did manage to accomplish building my workstation in my bedroom. Now, I can't make any excuses for not being productive during the nighttime.
Moreover, I could stick to my financial plan, such as saving and investing every month. Another thing I accomplished in 2021 is learning how to use Word Press Engine for building websites, and I can make all kinds of websites by myself without needing to hire a web developer to build a website.
The Covid Pandemic crisis problem is still not finished yet, but I see the progress of people getting vaccinated. I hope this issue can resolve in 2022. 2022 will be a new year for me, and I will be 32 years old soon. This actually scares me because I'm not getting any younger, and I still want to achieve many things in my life. I want to share my new goal and plan for this fresh start to the year in this blog post.